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  • teutonicstudios

Big changes ahead! We're redesigning and retexturing the whole world of Empires and Tribes. Thanks to the incredible 3D artist Michael Novelo from Blendersauce  we're happy and proud to present the first building in the brand-new look.

  • teutonicstudios

Hey folks, Bisu Zimt made an incredibly good Let's Play of Empires and Tribes in german language. Better than any tutorial I've ever written!

  • teutonicstudios

In Empires and Tribes, the collapse of all buildings will be realistically calculated by the Physics Engine. For this purpose, the buildings are disassembled into their individual parts such as stone columns, wooden beams, etc. and then left to the laws of gravity. See for yourself in the next update of Empires and Tribes!

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